GOD completes me

I am so human, and with my humanity comes so many areas in which I lack. I am not perfect and I will never be, and sometimes I hate that fact. Yes, I know no one is perfect, but there seems to be a part of me that longs to be perfect so that I can be enough… enough on my own to earn God’s love or approval. There are things every day that I do that disappoint God, and it’s a constant battle to change those things in my life to line up more with the life of my Jesus. I could get down on myself a lot, discouraged by me and my own failures, and even give up at times because the enemy of my soul tells me all the things I will never be and never have….

But God… is perfect. And, the thing is, God isn’t surprised that I am not perfect. He isn’t even surprised when I trip and fall, and have to come crawling back on my knees to surrender the broken pieces back to Him for repair. Because God, my Jesus, my Lord, HE is constantly taking every area in which I lack and making me whole. He takes the broken pieces of my life and not only restores them, but fills them with Himself… so that He IS completeness in every part of me. From the very beginning of my life, my salvation, He has made up for me. He did the things that I could not do, and He can be the things I can not be. Everything you long for or need or don’t even know you need yet… He is.

He is the Acceptance you need.
He is the Love you long for.
He is the Trust that can be restored.
He is Mercy to get you through every day.
He is Grace overwhelming and abounding when you are at the end of your own.
He is Rest when you are worn down.
He is Peace in the storm.
He is Joy on the mountain top.
He is Hope of all that is to come.

Colossians 2:10 …

“and you are complete through your union with Christ. He is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe.”

Quintessentially Yours,

QF TaffyG

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